In addition to routine soft tissue surgeries. We do fracture repairs, medial patellar luxation, cruciate surgery, tumor removal and some eye surgery, total ear canal ablation (TECA), vulvoplasty, and other surgeries.
Emergency Surgeries
Romeo 010423
Romeo's emergency came after an altercation with another dog. Our team went directly to work on his multiple injuries. The leg laceration revealed bone and tendons, requiring triple layered suturing. Today he returns for suture removal completely healed looking very handsome. Follow up photos taken 012323.

Abdominal Surgeries
Stuart 092322
Stuart was referred to us for a splenic tumor and splenectomy. Our team spent over 2 hours removing the largest tumor seen by Dr. Reid in his 45 year career. I'm happy to say he has done very well and back today (092622) for a follow up visit . His tumor weighed approximately 18 pounds!

Orthopedic Surgeries
This sweet girl came to us with a soft tissue bandage, without any internal fixation needed to stabilize the fracture, in pain and unable to bear weight in her affected leg. She is now in the last stages of recovery, running around pain-free and back to her old self again. When she is completely healed we will remove the rod.

Pepper has now had her rod removed and going home for the last time related to his broken leg incident.